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Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2010

Romania (11 Tage, 467km)

Ueses haerzige erste Hostel in Rumaenie.

Our first sweet hostel in Romania.

Ds isch dr Bsitzer vom nae Motel wo ues gratis het s Zimmer zur verfuegig gsteut...aer het zwar meh wie ae Mafiagwuerkt :-)

This is the chef from a Motel, where we can sleep for free. He looks like a Mafiaboss....but he was realy nice...

Uese erst Kontakt mit aere rumaenische Familie. Wo mir nach em waeg hei gfragt, hei mir e orthodoxe Pater lerae kennae, aer u sini Familie hei ues fuer ne Nacht ufgnoh u liebevou umsorgt. Uf em Foto si sini Mama und si Enkel.

Our first contact with a romanian family. We can sleep by a pastor and his family. On the picture you can see his mother and the child of his son.

Fuer mit ues choenne i Kontakt cho wei ues aui luet erklaere wo mir duere muesse, obschon mirs oft saeuber wuesse lose mir gedudig zue ....

A lot of person want to show us the right way.....

Das isch nid wuerk di klassischi europaeischi Strass.....u das no bi raege, aenthlech hei mir mau s paar outos choenne ueberhole(juhuhhi)

This is not realy an average europenean street.....and this by rain. The first time that we are faster then the cars......yeahhhhh

Wie gseit Velofahrer traeffe sech immer wieder. Churz vor Bukarest het ues ae Familie ufgnoh, dr Ma vo ihne isch fruehcher Rennfahrer gsi u het de o aextra fuer us ds antike Rennvelo us em Estrich gno. U s isch wuerk s wunderschoens gsi.

We meet a lot of bikers. Here is the woman and the child from a biker, at his home we can sleep and had a very nice time.

Bukarest e Grossstadt u das wieder mau ohni Touristeinformation oder besser gseit mir hei sae vilech eifach nid gfungae...aber zum Glueck hei mir dr Emil troffe ae Biker er het ues de churzerhand s Hostel organisiert u isch mit ues duer ae Grossstadtverkehr gfahre, so isch ds ganze viu eifacher gange.

Bucarest a big city again and again without a turistic information. But we were lucky that we meet Emil and he look for us for a hostel and help us trough the big traffic of this city.

Spaeter het ues dr Emil zum Bikestore vo sine Fruende gfahre wo mir ues de noei Faeugebaender u s richtig guets Schloss(leider isch ds 3 kg schwaer) hei bsorget. Naechhaer isch s direkt witer gange i usgang a nes Gipsykonzaert(Ziguenermusic)!

Emil bring us to the bikestore from his friends and after that we go out with them to a gipsy concert.

Uesi Touristefuerer vo Bukarest :-)

Our guidingteam in Bucarest

In Rumaeini hets fasch me frei Huend aus Moensche......hie si si wieder mau am bettle fuer oepis ds aesse, aber wenigstens baeue si ues nid so a wie die ds Serbie.

In Romania live a lot of free they look for some food....

Typische rumaenische Strasseverkehr....

The typical romanian streets....

Freitag, 1. Oktober 2010

Serbien part 2 (9 Tage, 426km)

Di ersti Platte...

The first plat...

Ds Velo vor Iris het ender chli bedure gha mit daem vor Regula u het de churz druf abe o e Platte gha.

The bike from Iris was feeling with the bike from Regula and had also a plat after some minutes.

Kampf mit em Toilettenpapier....

Fight with the toilettpaper....